Thursday, July 15, 2004


...well, some might call them un-enhancements, but I've added more links to the side and a photo (thanks to Luis Rodrigues for helping me with the template). The photo was taken by Cheryl Morgan in Blackpool at EasterCon, and it makes me look a bit like a cruel magician. It cracks me up every time I look at it. But it's a great picture in part because it's got the alien baby in it and Cheryl framed it so well with the backdrop behind me. (Thanks for letting me use it, Cheryl.)

Soon, I'll add blog links and some other things. I may even start putting photos in posts...wouldn't *that* be revolutionary...


At 8:23 AM, Blogger Jason Erik Lundberg said...

I like the new photo, evil-magician look aside. The alien baby looks huge.

At 6:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! No--my ego was bloated long before a second place finish re the Locus award...

The context of the photo is kind of funny. I was just setting out the alien baby and looked up and Cheryl caught me in what I would call an awkward "transition face" as I tried to morph from serious to a smile for the camera, but did not succeed.



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