Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Unbeknownst to Anna Tambour, I let Evil Monkey answer these six questions...


(Evil Monkey: "What do you think about this?" Jeff: "I said to Ann as soon as they found the first case of plagiarism in the book that they'd likely find more." Evil Monkey: "Do you think it's all her fault?" Jeff: "Ultimately, because her name is on the book, but we don't know how the book packager figured into this. If I were a reporter, I'd be checking other books 'created' by this particular book packager." Evil Monkey: "Really?" Jeff: "Yeah. I'd be more than willing to bet they find at least one other instance of plagiarism in some other book. Don't quote me on that." Evil Monkey: "Do you think this author should be blacklisted?" Jeff: "I think she needs to find another career. So she's young. By that age you know right from wrong. And her initial reactions were all to cover it up and to deny it." Evil Monkey: "Good point. Ever been in a pseudo-plagiaristic situation yourself?" Jeff: "I remember when I was seventeen publishing a story called 'The Walking Dead' and realizing with horror when I saw it in print that one line from a Lucius Shepard story that I'd written down as a placeholder for something was still in the story! It was literally just a phrase, but I was so horrified I have been very careful since." Evil Monkey: "Ever any justification for it, in terms of innocence?" Jeff: "Well, I used to write down favorite phrases from other books. I don't do it any more. Because it's too easy to forget where it came from and think it's one of your own notes. So I could see how it would happen, on a limited basis." Evil Monkey: Yeah, I can see that.")


At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ignoring the 'author' in question, and going to the using other lines bit. anyhow: it's most common said that the way to learn language is to hear it spoken, or to read it. so in that theory, when you respeak, so to say, you're using a line that you heard from someone, and you're reusing their language. the same would take place when writing--in that you have learnt from seeing, and you reguritate it into your own words.

so thus, we're all plagurising our language and sentences, though for the majority of us our primary learning sources are gone, and id on't imagine the guy who wrote 'watch spot run' has any desire to sue, since 'spot, the epic, volume one' isn't common. but i always find that idea that we're simply recycling our words, that we never in fact create something new, interesting. i'm not sure if i'd believe it or not fully, but it makes for an interesting concept.



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